Sunday, July 27, 2008

You gave me such a fright I thought you was a ghost!

In in the days of late, I have felt like a bit of a ghost. Yet, a ghost of nice nature.
The sumer has made me realize I'm growing up. DRAT! Summer now seems an awful waste. Not that I don't love summer, and the nice break from college but I am ready for something new. A career, a family, a business. new.

Slowly people are starting to realize who I am, and what I do. In college, we are known as college students, what we're "working towards", or "what we will do when we graduate". But what if I'm already doing what I love? What if thats enough? 

I hide myself within my work. I pray it doesnt define me. Who I am is a daughter of the King. He gave me my passion and to bring Glory to Him in that is what I shall do. with haste.
Make haste my beloved. 


1 comment:

Claire said...

it's lovely that you are doing what you love. :) see you in a bit